
School's Ooouuuuuuuut!!

Even if mother nature hasn’t gotten the memo yet…it’s summer break!!
And guess who is most excited?  Well the kids of course.  Nope!  Meeeeeeeeeeeee!
Wait, you say….doesn’t this mean that you have about a bajillion kids hanging around your house all day?  (I’m a poet and didn’t even know it)

Well yes, but…
1.  I work (ahem..."outside the home" as well) so I’m not around said kids all the live long day.
2.   Older kids are easy peasy.

So why am I sooo freakin’ excited?

No more bedtime hassle
No more schedules
No more “crap, just bring down your school clothes you need for tomorrow because I didn’t get to your laundry yet”
Summer break means…
*Just throw something on the grill sometime before dark.
*oh, you only feel like taking a shower every third day? gross, but go for it!
*What? You stayed up until 2 a.m. texting and now you can't pull yourself out of bed?  What-ever!

They get to be lazy, I get to be lazy…everybody wins!

All this won't get me my very own chapter in The Bad Parent Handbook (not yet anyways) because it's short lived.  Isaiah has a grueling football practice schedule ahead of him and Elijah is off to Montana and will promptly be put to work in the hay field.

Sorry, no pictures...I'm too busy jumping for joy.

Man I love summer!

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