
frozen in time...

I've been very reflective this week.  We have a big decision to make...

You see, when you do an IVF cycle and you're really lucky (or just have rockin' ovaries like me) you have more embryos than you need.  They pick the best looking {hmmmm....maybe that's how my babies got so cute?} embryo to transfer and the rest are frozen.

Or to be scientifically correct....cryopreserved.

Well, the first year of, eh.. cry-o-pres-er-va-tion is included in the humongo price tag but after that you have to decide what to do with these little snow babies.
You can either...
1.) discard them
2.) donate them to science
3.) donate them to another couple (adopt them out...I'm not sure of the politically correct way of saying that)
4.) pay boocoo bucks to keep them in the deep freeze.  Well, it's not really thaaaaat expensive but we're on a budget people, we gotz 5 kids here!!

Or of course, knock yourself up.  But we have 4 chillin', or 6 maybe,I can't really remember but that's not particularly relevant.  And we're not trying to make our own football team {because we all know that with our luck they are all boys}, so that's just not gonna happen.

I just can't bring myself to discard them.  First, that's just such a harsh word and it's makes me sad to even think about that. After all, I jabbed myself with 40 needles uh I mean, worked darn hard for them.

I feel about the same (maybe a smidgen better) about donating them to science or research or whatever.  I kinda like the idea of helping other couples who have trouble getting or staying pregnant but I'm not that warm and fuzzy about it to actually do it.

I like the idea of "adopting" them, and I WISH I had the cojones to do that but I am so afraid that I will spend the rest of my life looking at every kid that resembles the babies and wondering if he/she started off as our little 8 cells.  I understand that's completely selfish, but hey, I'm just being honest here!

In my own little perfect world we would just win the lotto or somehow, some way I could convince my husband that's it's waaaay better to spend our golden years with more teenagers instead of traveling or heck, retireing. 

But geesh, I never claimed to be the critical thinker between us too. 

(sorry, no pictures. But no worries!  I'm working on two posts that are jam packed with more cuteness than you can handle.  Plus, keep an eye out this Sunday for my week in iphone pics because this week it's ALL BABIES, ALL THE TIME)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a heart of gold, but you are not the type to ever be able to stop wondering is that "my"baby???? Discard, no you are not a discard kind of girl, or else you would have discrded me years ago, but you are still my sister,my friend.......I say science deserves your hard earned eggs....maybe they will lead to a discovery of how every deserving couple in the world can just make love,get and then stay prego.....
I love you Sarah Lavonne....

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