
for the love of...{v. 1 - mesh feeders}

I'm finally starting my "for the love of..." series, in which I tell you about products that rock my socks off.  I'm pretty brand loyal and when I love something, I loooove it.  But I'm also picky...dare I say, ahem, snobby ::there, I said it!, geez:: about stuff. 

So my first little gem is this mesh feeder by Munchkin.  I've been filling it with lots of frozen items like apple slices, banana slices, cubes of homemade baby food and if I'm feeling adventurous, frozen whole milk plain yogurt mixed with mango puree. I also think frozen melon would be delish or even just an ice cube during the hot summer months.  I've been going the frozen route, the babies seem to prefer it that way and the frozen apple slice route is perfect for teething.

I've been giving it to them as I prepare their meals, a baby appetizer of sorts. It keeps them busy, thus avoiding a major meltdown...score!

Now, make no mistake, this thing is mess-ey. You will be cleaning out leftovers from many a baby crease and crevice. And you have to rinse it out right after use otherwise you will have to scrub banana encrusted mesh and that's always no bueno.  But it's not that bad and I'm sure if you have little peoples in your house you are already doing a lot of rinsing and scrubbing and cleaning of precious neck rolls.  So we give this little miracle 3 thumbs up (that's one from me and one from each baby, if your keeping count).

Aaaand a bonus picture:

fine print:  this is my opinion, I didn't receive payment or products..this is not a celebrity endorsement..Munchkin does not know I exist, although they should so if your sister's, husband's, co-worker's, neighbor works for them let 'em know, mmkay?


Carly said...

I'm currently pregnant with my first, and I always see the mesh feeders at stores.

I think they're a pretty great thing!

Good to hear an honest opinion about them.

Lindsay said...

I meant to comment on this yesterday! I used it the other day for bananas and it's STILL nasty! I keep finding pieces of dried banana and I washed it as good as I could (we don't have a dishwasher.) I think from now on, mine will only get ice in it, but they are a godsend for teethers.

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